Procrastination is the grand-daddy of all evils in the modern world, especially for those working remote jobs. The lack of focus is not something that affects people on rare occasions; it’s almost a worldwide disease that affects the productivity of many people in every corner of the planet. The team working at has created Vitamin-R, a brand new app available from the iOS App Store or as a direct download from their website. The main purpose of this software is to help you focus on your work so you can dive deep on it and get things done.

Productivity Increase App - Vitamin R

An App to Get Things Done

The idea for a “get-things-done” app is not something new. Many of them are focused on creating systems to help you get things done. Vitamin-R has a unique take on it: it enables you to get down to business flat. The no-nonsense approach of the app will have people wondering if they are dealing with an AI-powered drill sergeant, but many will find the experience inviting, since the system is built to help you focus on the tasks that need to be done, instead of a passive approach. The app is designed to define short-term objectives by using a timer to help you keep a schedule. The settings are put in place by you, and they can be flexible if you need them to, but that would kill the purpose of it.

Vitamin-R is not a new app developed in 2019. It has been around for iOS users for some time, we have decided to review it based on the fact that we discovered that the new features fairly exceed a simple update. The app has a revamped look, and according to, the code has been completely rewritten and repurposed on the way users interact with the app. The results are for everyone to see: a customizable interface to configure tasks in a way that best fit your specific needs. Old time users or new ones will experience an overwhelming feeling of getting down to business once they have set the app in place since it can be made to work as needed to fulfill deadlines efficiently.

The Basic Offerings of Vitamin-R

The basic mechanisms of Vitamin-R are handled using the main screen with two windows: the options for Workflow View and the Pad View. This is how they work:

Workflow View is used to define objectives and create deadlines for the work you want to do. If the assignment has various phases, you can set as many time-slices as you need to complete each stage of it. When a time-slice is complete, you will be able to mark if you achieved your objective and add the markup for Vitamin-R to log on it. Each log is in place to help you take notice on how effective you are on any given time. By fulfilling personal milestones, you will eventually be more efficient in the future.

Pad View is the place where you can create notes for the objective you plan to achieve at each phase or in any time-slice. You can also take note of any idea that comes to your mind as you work in to fulfill an objective. This is a common occurrence that always distracts us, but this tool can help us save our ideas for later. The utility can also be sued to create extra notes recording information that you think could help you achieve your objectives more efficiently if you need to do something similar in the future.

Vitamin-R can be found in the iOS App Store for $25, and it’s a great piece of software to work in orderly fashion.

Hack Your Brain and Increase Productivity with New iOS App – Vitamin-R